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Showing posts from 2014

Help! I'm stuck with DDD Modeling! 8 Tips'n'Tricks to move on.

I was sitting in front of my laptop with a bunch of paper cards scattered all around me. My desk and my windowsill were covered with printed scenarios on the one side and with handwritten sketches of couple of Models on the opposite one. On the monitor, I was browsing photos of previous Modeling sessions and, from time to time, chatting with my friend - an UX Designer. For last couple of days I was doing the Modeling of a very hard part of our Core Domain. I spoke to Domain Experts in different roles, and I was working closely with the UX Designer, who made a lot of research earlier. I run couple of Modeling sessions - both alone and in groups of 2-5 people. I just couldn't figure out a good enough solution. I was stuck. Do You know that feeling? Have You been in that moment, when you realize, that sometimes Synthesis is not that easy part of the Design process? The moment, when you feel like You are trying to push on a rope? You've done everything correctly, and yet...

Well, hello @Mock - we meet again

tl;dr Since I embraced Domain-Driven Design, I didn't have to use any mock. When in 2011, during Java Developers Day in Kraków, Greg Young stated, that he does not use mocks, I couldn't believe him. I mean, come on! How do you test your code that is dependent on other parts of the code? I was at the very begining of my journey with Domain-Driven Design back then... Couple of days ago, I had to implement something in old part of the system. This part was developed like most systems were couple of years ago (and some are still) - with Anemic Entities and stateless, so called "Services". I didn't want to refactor this whole spaghetti around that place, so I decided to go with this anemic approach and "just be good enough". Since I am a big fan of Test-Driven Development (where it is valuable), I decided to write some test for this service that I was about to touch. Suprisingly, there was a test class for this service, and there were...

2013 summary - books, presentations, trainings, etc.

At this part of the year, many people summarize their last twelve months. So I will. This year was really busy for me. Especially the second part (hence the lack of my activity on blog). Not to extend, here are the most important things that I achieved this year, which changed my life, and will be affecting the next one for sure. 1. Books I read a lot of books this year, but there are three, that affected me the most "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon - a must-read for any Developer/Analyst/Architect/Whoever-builds-software - just after Eric's "the Blue Book" (or maybe in the meantime). It clearly describes what Domain-Driven Design is and how to implement it (duh, the title). It also gives a little different view at Eric's definitions - 10 years after his publication - and introduces new concepts, that community added to DDD, like Domain Events. "4 Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss - this is not technical b...