I will start this blog with a small digression (why not?). Language This is my very first blog post, and I hope that the fact, that I chose English over my native Polish language won't become curse over the time, and my Readers (yes, I dare to assume that I will get some) won't find too many lexical mistakes here. The world seems to get smaller and smaller nowadays - we can read articles written by inspirational people just after publishing. We can email with them and read their tweets. We can even meet one of our Gurus [1] at a conference in our very home city... ;) That's why we have to communicate with other Tech-People with a common ubiquitous language . Like it or lump it - English is that language. So I decided to write in it. What will I write about I am interested in creating simple software that solves complicated problems. I like the idea of Domain Driven Design connected with Command Query Responsibility Segregation principle. I also find...
I help your development team become strategically more efficient by aligning them with the business domain they are working in, instead of just focusing on technical solutions.